Cultural Language

Revitalisation and Recirculation of Language

Learning from our Elders and creating programs and initiatives to teach others.

Listen to Language Consultant Jacob Morris-Chant talk about his experience with Language

Language Revitalisation Programs

Introduction to Gammēya-Ḏarrawal

One of the language programs offered to Schools by Gadhungal Marring is an inclusive language program for both Marring (Indigenous) children and non-Indigenous children in primary and preschools. The program is designed to introduce students to the Gammēya-Ḏarrawal (Dharrawal Southern Dialect) over the course of seven weeks during the school term. Gadhungal Marring’s Language teachers will share and teach the students the Language during this time.

Advanced Language Program

Gadhungal Marring’s Advanced Language Program is designed explicitly for Indigenous children. It is seven weeks long and focuses on teaching Indigenous students how to do an Acknowledgment and Welcome to Country, common phrases they can use at home, and how to start reviving Language in their own households.

This program is only offered to Marring (Indigenous) children so that the Gammēya-Ḏarrawal is spoken at home and within the Marring Community, strengthening the revival of the Marring Language every day.


Additionally, Gadhungal Marring offers Language Consultation services to schools and organisations to help them integrate Gammēya-Ḏarrawal into their systems.